Rejuvenating Aging Stem Cells

Research undertaken in 2004 and 2005 suggests that the stem cells in the adult body - which become less effective at their job of repair with age - could be rejuvenated, restored to action with the right biochemical cues. Furthermore, researchers already regularly manipulate the genes and biochemistry of stem cells taken from partients for use in trials of new therapies: there is every reason to expect that future medicine will involve the repair and restoration of aged stem cells prior to their use in regenerative medicine.

Reports on a few of the more promising recent applications of stem cell technologies are linked below:

Early Regenerative Medicine For Hair
Cartilage Regeneration Versus Arthritis
Towards a Regenerative Cure for Deafness
Reprogrammed Stem Cells to Repair the Retina
Evaluating Autologous Stem Cell Heart Therapies
Progress Towards Full Nerve Regrowth
Engineering Bone Regrowth
Towards Liver Regeneration
Tissue Engineered Teeth Demonstrated in Mice
Producing Replacement Skin to Order
Regenerative Medicine for Macular Degeneration
Prospects for Brain Regenerative Medicine


Author Block Fernandez Vina, Roberto J.1, Saslavsky, Jorge2, Andrin, Oberdan3, Vrsalovic, Francisco3, Fernandez Vina, Federico4, Camozzi, Liliana5, Ferreira da Silva Lima, Janaina4, Murad Neto, Stans6, Tuma, Jorge7
1Stem cels therapy and Interventional Cardiology, Fernandez Vina Foundation Argentina and Maimonides University Buenos Aires Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Hematology, Medicine School University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, Argentina, 3Stem cels therapy and Interventional Cardiology, Fernandez Vina Foundation Argentina & San icolas Private Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4Stem cels therapy and Interventional Cardiology, Fernandez Vina Foundation Argentina & San Nicolas Private Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5Laboratory Clinic, Fernandez Vina Foundation Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6Stem cels therapy and Interventional Cardiology, Instituto de Cardilogia de Post Grado Rio De Janeiro Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 7Stem cels therapy and Interventional Cardiology, La Maison de Sante & San Felipe Clinic Lima, Lima, Peru

Objetives: Unfractions Autologous Bone Marrow may be used in the treatment of chronic myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction. Method 70 patients with refractory angina or cardiac failure and no possibility of surgical revascularization were included. The age of patients (46 men and 24 women) oscillated between 53 and 71 years old. Electrocardiograms showed MI Sequel in different walls of the both ventricles. Echocardiograms showed extensive Myocardiopathy with Diastoles diameter oscillating form 65 to 73mm and the FEjection oscillating between 32% and 34%. Stress test revealed in 52 patients anterior wall and apical necrosis with severe perinecrótic ischemia; in 29 patients inferior and lateral necrosis; and 63 multiple ischemic areas, Ventriculography revealed increment of EDVolume and ESystole Volume, with FE oscillating between 32% and 36%. The Cell Implant was made by “Retrograde Injection through the Sinus Coronary Vein totally occluded with balloon”. The volume injected was 150cc The average of total mononuclears cells implanted 9 x 10p8. Follow up: After a period of three month a progressive increase of sectors contractility was observed in the echocardiograms. After 180 days it was observed that FE had improved between 38% and 51%. Scintigraphy controls revealed improvement of the perfusion in 62 patients of the perinecrótic and diffuse ischemic areas, 65 patients were subjected to Ventriculography after 360 days and it was observed that the FE improved up to 48%. Conclusions: The injection of Unfractions Autologous Bone Marrow has demonstrated improvement of the perfusion, surely through angiogenesis that produced the FE increase, objectived by echocardiograms, and Ventriculography. 92% of the patients, showed an improvement of the contractility of border zone of scars. It was not observed any progression of coronary occlusive disease after a period of 4 year. 45patients have achieved 2 year of evolution and they are asymptomatic or in functional class I-II.

Treatment of Peripherical Vascular Atherosclerotic Disease with Local Delivery of Paclitaxel after balloon angioplasty

Treatment of Peripherical Vascular Atherosclerotic Disease with Local Delivery of Paclitaxel after balloon angioplasty
Authors: Roberto. J. Fernandez Vina1,2,3,4, R. F. Fernandez Viña1, O. Andrin1, F. Vrsalovick4, P. Andres1, L. Camozzi9,
Affiliations 1San Nicolas ClinicSA, 2Fernandez Viña Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, 3Universidad National de Rosario, Rosario, ARGENTINA, 4Universidad Maimonides Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.

Percutaneous Tranluminal Angioplasty (PTA) and Percutaneous Tranluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) are established, proven methods for re-opening stenotic or occluded arteries in a minimally invasive way. The balloon is placed in the stenotic segment of the artery and then expanded until the lumen reaches its original diameter. To this end, very high pressure is applied, which unavoidably causes vessel wall injury. Hyperproliferation resulting in lumen narrowing is the natural reaction to this injury A single short contact of tissue with a small dose of Paclitaxel has been shown to efficaciously inhibit local cell proliferation Antiproliferative Taxanes such as Paclitaxel seem to be suitable due to their high lipophilicity and tight binding to various cell constituents, resulting in effective local retention at the site of delivery. Paclitaxel as a hydrophobic compound possesses preferential tissue binding.
23 patients, All subjects between 65 and 86 years of age with symptomatic claudication (Rutherford category 1-6) with TASC II type A, B, or C lesions in lower limbs will be invited to participate in this study under signed informed consent. The vascular pheripherical suboclusions were localized in FSA, 16 lesions, Popliteal Arteries 9 lesions, Anterior Tibial Artery, 6 lesions, Posterior Tibial Artery, 12 lesions, Peroneal artery 2 lesions. All suboclusions were treated with classic Balloon Angioplasty (PTA) with adequate diameter balloon for each arterial diameter, after successfully procedure Paclitaxel mixed with the contrast medium was administered intra-arterially through the guiding catheter to treat segment of treated artery, the balloon used for PTA was introduce distally to the treated plaques and inflated with low atmospheres with the objective to stagnate the flow during 3 minutes. Dosing used was based on the lesion surface area, and will be calculated using the following formula: dose= 22/7 X diameter (mm) X length (mm) X 3 micrograms/mm^3 . All the procedure were finished with out complications and no collateral effects of the drug were seem, not acute thrombosis were reported, all the patients return home after 24 hours with aspirin 100mg and clopidogrel 75mg.
Patients were followed with pheripherical vascular echo duplex during 1 year and the treated plaques didn’t show more decrement of the initial diameter obtained than 18% (Lumen loss), all patients improve the walking more than 800 meters and only 14 pts. accepted to be submitted to new control angiography, in this studies the lesions treated were maintained opened with minimal re-stenosis ( 12%).
Local delivery of Paclitaxel resulted in reduced neointimal re-stenosis using low doses to avoid collaterals effects with stagnation of flow during the procedure, and it would be new form to treat lower limbs arterial occlusions.

CELLULAR THERAPY (ADULT STEM CELLS) Cellular Therapy is a safe and efficient treatment which tends to give the patient a better quality of life or be


Cellular Therapy is a safe and efficient treatment which tends to give the patient a better quality of life or better the evolution of following conditions:
Diabetes Mellitus type D1
Diabetes Mellitus type D2
Diabetes Mellitus T1 Juvenile
Collateral conditions to Diabetes 1 and 2 such as kidneys, liver, hearth, lungs, eyes, limbs, etc.
Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF)
Ischemic Pulmonary Fibroisis (IPF)
Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD)
Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)
Cronic Trombo Embolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH)
Múltiple Sclerosis
Parkinson´s Disease
Amiotróphic Lateral Sclerosis
Congestive Heart Failure
Ischemic Cardiopaty
Coronary or non Coronary Cardiopaty
Peripheral Arteriopaty
Cardiovascular and Hearth conditions
Senile Cardio Amiloidosis
Spinal Cord Injury
Other diseases and conditions which can be treated:
Acquired Ataxia
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Batten Disease
Bulbospinal Muscular Atrophy
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Central Pain Syndrome
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
Cerebellar Ataxia Includes Type 6
Cerebellar Hypoplasia
Cerebral Atrophy
Cerebral Hypoxia
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Crohn's Disease
Damage To The Optic Nerve
Degenerative Cardiopathy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Erectile Dysfunction
Friedrichs Ataxia
Guillain-Barr Syndrome
Hereditary Ataxias
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
Leukemia Lissencephaly Liver
Machado-Joseph Disease
Macular Degeneration
Multiple Myeloma
Multisystem Atrophy
Muscular Dystrophy
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Dr Saslavsky)
Olivopontal Cerebellar Atrophy
Optic Nerve Damage (Vasculitis)
Optic Nerve Disorders
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Primary Lateral Sclerosis
Pigmentary Retynoisis
Reverse Retinitis Pigmentosa or Cone-Cord Ditsrophy 50/50
Severe Aplastic Anemia (Dr Saslavsky)
Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID)
Spinal Amiotrophy
Transverse Myelitis
Ulcerative Colitis
Vascular Diseases
Vasculitis (Optical nerve damage)
Charcot Marie Disease
West Syndrome
This list is just an indication and it is possible to treat other conditions not listed here which may be similar or as a consequence of these. In the event you do not find a specific disease you may contact us to request information about such.

USA - Staminali. California pronta a finanziare fasi più difficili sperimentazione clinica

USA - Staminali. California pronta a finanziare fasi più difficili sperimentazione clinica

12 marzo 2010 12:18

Il California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (Cirm), la commissione statale che assegna i 3 miliardi di dollari che i californiani hanno destinato alla ricerca sulle staminali con un referendum, ha approvato una proposta di finanziamento per lo sviluppo di nuove terapie a base di staminali.

La proposta prevede che il Cirm finanzi le sperimentazioni cliniche agli stadi iniziali e le attività di produzione di nuovi farmaci.

I centri di ricerca biotecnologica che testano le nuove terapie a base di staminali, hanno difficoltà ad ottenere finanziamenti da parte delle compagnie farmaceutiche e da altri privati a causa dei rischi insiti in un'area di ricerca nuova e ancora poco conosciuta. Lo scorso anno per la prima volta una società di ricerca, la Geron Corp. ha ricevuto il via libera dell'Agenzia del farmaco FDA per una sperimentazione clinica sugli umani. Ma la gran parte della scienza delle staminali è ancora alle prime fasi di sperimentazione.

"Il finanziamento delle sperimentazioni cliniche offre un sostegno fondamentale alle prime fase della ricerca clinica, la più difficile su cui ottenere finanziamenti privati", ha spiegato il presidente del Cirm, Robert Klein. Il bando sarà probabilmente pubblicato questa primavera. I candidati dovranno sottoporre i loro progetti di ricerca entro luglio per poter ottenere i fondi. La selezione sarà fatta da una commissione indipendente di esperti, che raccomanderà al Cirm i più meritevoli.

USA - Staminali. Ringiovanite cellule umane

17 marzo 2010 20:23

Per la prima volta sono state ringiovanite delle cellule umane: si tratta delle cellule adulte rese staminali grazie a un cocktail di geni (chiamate Staminali Pluripotenti Indotte, Ips) e che hanno la caratteristica di invecchiare molto rapidamente. Il risultato, pubblicato sulla rivista Regenerative Medicine, secondo gli esperti potrebbe portare a future terapie anti-invecchiamento.
Autore dello studio e' un gruppo statunitense del quale fanno parte universita' (Ontario Cancer Institute, Burnham Institute for Medical Research and The Scripps Research Institute) e centri di ricerca privati (Biotime, Mandala Biosciences e Sierra Sciences). Il risultato, osservano i ricercatori, 'potrebbe permettere di far regredire il processo di invecchiamento nelle cellule umane per il loro uso nella medicina rigenerativa'. Per il coordinatore dello studio, il presidente della Biotime Michael D. West, 'e' l'inizio di nuove possibilita' di intervenire nelle malattie collegate all'eta'. Siamo convinti che queste tecnologie avranno un impatto significativo sul futuro della medicina, anche se c'e' ancora molto lavoro da fare per tradurre questa scoperta in terapie efficaci e sicure'.
Sebbene siano sotto molti aspetti simili alle cellule staminali embrionali, le staminali indotte sembrano invecchiare prematuramente: un problema che e' visto da molti esperti come il tallone di Achille nella possibilita' di utilizzare queste cellule. Per comprendere le cause di questo fenomeno i ricercatori hanno osservato che cosa accade nei telomeri, ossia nelle strutture che si trovano alle estremita' dei cromosomi e che sono il termometro dell'invecchiamento perche' si accorciano ogni volta che la cellula si riproduce. Hanno confrontato il comportamento dei telomeri in alcune linee di cellule staminali embrionali e in sei linee di cellule Ips derivate dalle prime.
Mentre nella maggior parte delle cellule Ips i telomeri si accorciavano con il ritmo veloce osservato in cellule di questo tipo, nella sesta linea i telomeri si conservavano notevolmente piu' a lungo (oltre 60 giorni) rispetto a quelli delle staminali embrionali. Cio' significa, osservano i ricercatori, che 'cellule differenziate e invecchiate possono diventare giovani'.